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16 of 55 photos

Heaven's Arrival

The County Dock, Mandarin FLbr/The image is titled “Heaven Approaches” and is taken from the County Dock in Mandarin, just 2 miles from my home. This is one of my favorite places to photograph the St. Johns because it is so close to my house (photographers are a lazy bunch). The dock offers the chance to get out into the river to experience the many faces of the weather. On this particular day a storm was approaching the city. As I was walking out on the dock with my camera I realized that I had no raingear and no camera protection. Everyone was heading off the dock as I walked out. Should I turn around and go back to the car? A few rain drops started to fall. In an instant I could be soaked along with my camera. I decided to keep walking to the end, and record my experience alone. The clouds were ominous, the smell of ozone thick in the air. The wind picked up and I knew some big weather was approaching. I grabbed my shots and started walking back. The rain never came and the clouds dissipated. All was well within a few minutes.
Heaven's Arrival